I heard an old, old story, How a Savior came from glory How He gave His life on Calvary To save a wretch like me.....



Some of us go through life wearing our pain. Things that hurt us in the past we wear throughout our lives as though it were a big badge saying, "I was abused as a child" "I was raised in alcoholism" "I was in an abusive marriage".
Name it and we wear a badge for all to see how we have been hurt. We polish it to keep the shine and we never take it off. The more we polish it the bigger it gets.
We may ask God to take the pain away, while we wear and polish the badge. I have decided to take my badge off so people can see Christ through me, not my pain.

It's a good thing Jesus didn't wear a badge. He would not have been able to see his way through the crowds, carry his cross or be weighed with all of our sins as he hung to die so that we may be saved. He carried a cross for us, and did not complain. We carry a badge and whine because it hurts.

If we dwell on our torments we are wearing the badge. Some of us may feel offended by what I have said here and if that is true, maybe then a little spit shine will enhance the glow of your badge. I know one thing, I feel offended by me at times when I see what I should do instead of what I do.

Life can be so full of pain I know. We will suffer pain till we die, I'm just saying let us not buff it's shine.

Rebecca Clark
Copyright ©2001

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