I heard an old, old story, How a Savior came from glory How He gave His life on Calvary To save a wretch like me.....


Monday, March 15, 2010

Jesus did not stroke egos! He rebuked them!

Jesus was harsh to those who displayed a rebellious spirit and those who were after the things of man. He rebuked Peter (Matt 16:23) for such as that and lost his temper in the church, (John 2:13-17) toppling tables in anger.
(Mark 3:5) tells us "Jesus was angry with the hardness of their hearts".

We are not here to be so nice to wolves in sheep's clothing-evil communication (1Co 15:33) corrupting good manners. We are not here to stroke the ego of those who do not love the truth. Jesus didn't and I won't either!
(Speaking for myself here. Others may feel different.)

We are here to share the truth according to the gospel which we believe to be the only truth, everything else is heresy!
If you are offended by biblical standards, the truth is not in you, period.

There are those who accept (embrace) their sinful nature as a personal attribute and will argue and reason away as to why they are the way they are till the cows come home and will be offended by those who are bold in truth and think of us as being harsh.

They are also deceived and preach to others that we should be ever so kind to one another at all times... accepting (embracing) the sinful nature, we should be kind to them cuz Jesus was kind.
This attitude displays the truth of lacking biblical knowledge of truth. This is political correctness-deception.
Jesus was kind and merciful with great compassion, but he also was thought of as harsh to those who rejected him and his teachings! To say you love Jesus but reject his teachings is deceiving yourself.
To believe truth to be harsh and rude- is accepting (embracing) your sins as an attribute of your own character.
If we know Jesus as our personal savior then we are lead by the Holy Spirit in truth with boldness. We accept his teachings, we live by his teachings, we defend his teachings and this is thought of as harsh to those who reject his teachings!
Jesus did not stroke egos! He rebuked them!

God help us to embrace our Savior and His teachings... and reject the deception of our sinful nature. In Jesus precious Holy name. Amen.

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